quarx License v1.6 Copyright (c) 2023, John Barns (auric) All rights reserved. # Permissions: Any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") is granted permission to use, view, tinker with, and modify the Software for any purpose, including personal, commercial, and non-commercial purposes. # Restrictions: **Source Availability:** Any forked, modified, or rebranded versions of this Software must be distributed with open-source access to their full source code. Derivative works cannot be released as closed source. In cases where source code is provided as part of a commercial offering, it must be made available alongside the commercial product, ensuring transparency. **Neutrality in Representation:** While users can employ the Software for personal expressions of belief or opinion, the Software, or its derivative works, shall not be rebranded or modified in a manner that can be reasonably confused as an official representation or stance of quarx's developers. This includes the promotion of ideologies, causes, or world issues at an organizational or project level. **No Code of Conduct:** The Software shall remain free of formal codes of conduct. This stance is rooted in the expectation that users and contributors approach the Software with maturity and professionalism. We believe in the capacity of our community to self-regulate without mandated guidelines. **Defamation and Slander:** Users shall not use the Software as a medium to deplatform, slander, or harm the reputation of the developers, their associates, or any affiliated parties. Personal opinions and biases of the developers and their associates should not be used as grounds for reputational attacks. **Protecting Brand Identity:** Modifications, rebrandings, or distributions of quarx must not misrepresent or be easily mistaken as official quarx software. Explicit disclaimers should be employed when necessary to distinguish derivative works from the official project. **Neutrality and Apolitical Use:** The Software and its derivative works should focus primarily on software development and intellectual pursuits. They must not be adapted or presented as platforms for endorsing or promoting external affiliations, ideologies, or agendas without clear distinctions from the core software. **General Principle:** Engage with the Software in the spirit of mutual respect, innovation, and professional collaboration. Users are encouraged to expand, improve, and adapt quarx for a myriad of applications while ensuring that the core essence and neutrality of the Software remain intact. Disclaimer: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.